From Ireland to Ol' Grandad

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Last weekend we had a whiskey-tasting party with some of the peeps from Mike's work. Despite it being a ton of work to get our house in order (it had gotten extremely bad, well, because I hate cleaning!), the party was a ton of fun.

We kicked off the afternoon with whiskey tasting. I think in the end we had 11 or 12 whiskeys to taste, so we were taking really small shots. Check out the pre-party picture below:

We started with some really "peet-y" (aka nice) Irish scotch that one of Mike's colleagues brought. As it turns out, almost no one had a sophisticated enough palatte to enjoy that one ;) Too bad for us I guess. We worked down the line in terms of quality, ending up with a $7 bottle of Ol' Grandad.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) for me, I had stepped away from the table by the time we tasted that one. Though after talking to his colleagues about how "interesting" the taste was, Mike has promised me a special tasting so I don't miss out on the magic. Great, I can't wait.....